Behind the Brand

Laborgezüchteter Diamant Nahansicht

Lab Grown Diamonds | What is a lab grown diamond?

What is a lab grown diamond, how is it created and what is the difference to a conventional mined diamond? In this article we will introduce you to the innovation in the jewelry industry in detail.

Echtgold Schmuck - wieso sich das Investment in hochwertigen Schmuck lohnt

Real gold jewelry - why investing in high-quality jewelry is worth it

In this blog article you will learn everything about the difference between real gold and gold-plated jewelry. We'll show you why investing in real gold is always worthwhile and how to choose the right gold jewelry. The article also explains the meaning of carat and gold alloys to help you decide on the perfect piece of jewelry.

Die 4 C's - Ein Leitfaden zur Diamantqualität

The 4 C's - A Guide to Diamond Quality

In this blog article you will learn how diamonds are selected based on the criteria Carat (weight), Clarity (purity), Cut (cutting quality) and Color (color) are evaluated. These 4 C's serve as globally recognized standards for assessing the quality of diamonds and significantly influence their value. This article offers you a compact overview of the crucial factors when choosing sparkling diamond jewelry.

Urban Mining - Alles was du darüber wissen musst

Urban Mining - Everything you need to know about it

Urban mining is a concept that promotes the recycling of materials and raw materials from sources such as buildings, electronic devices or industry in large cities. Would you like to find out more about how we use these precious raw materials for our brilliant pieces of jewelry? You can find out more in this blog article.

Behind the Brand: Einblicke in unsere Produktion in Italien

Behind the Brand: Insights into our production in Italy

How and where is the jewelry from DEAR DARLING BERLIN made? We tell you all about this in this exciting article. In February 2022 we visited our production in beautiful Tuscany (Italy) and documented the entire process for you - from the blank to the finished piece of jewelry.
